Ankle support

Support and Protection for Every Movement

Our ankle braces provide stability and protection in cases of sprains, injuries, or the need for support during rehabilitation. We offer bivalve models and braces specifically designed for sprains, ensuring maximum comfort and preventing further damage.

Choose the ankle brace that best suits your needs and resume your activities with complete safety.

Dynamic ankle orthosis
(Dyna Ankle - Ottobock)

Dyna Ankle is used for the treatment of external compartment ligament ruptures but also delivers excellent results in the treatment of internal ligament injuries. The Dyna Ankle dynamic ankle orthosis has been developed for functional treatment, keeping the foot in slight pronation and dorsal extension.

Air Stirrup Bivalve Ankle Brace
(8102-AL - Djo)

The bivalved ankle brace is indicated for an acute sprain of grades I, II, and III. For post-operative and post-cast use. For chronic ankle instability. For the functional treatment. The brace is available in one size and in both right and left versions.

Walker Brace

Walker braces are indicated for fractures to the foot or ankle. They provide conservative support in the postoperative period and for severe sprains, even in cases of significant damage to the soft tissues of the ankle or foot

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FAQ on Ankle Braces

It is recommended in cases of sprains, injuries, or during rehabilitation to provide support and protection to the ankle.

It is a brace with two rigid parts that provide lateral stability, ideal for supporting the ankle after a sprain or injury.

It depends on the severity of the injury. Our ankle sprain braces are designed to stabilize and speed up recovery, providing you with maximum comfort.

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